
CiTi Print Shop image
  • The Printing Department provides quick copy services in color and black & white, for just about any job: booklets, pamphlets, multiple-part NCR forms, newsletters, etc. Our highly specialized insertion services for covers, tabs, etc., provide a professional finished look, with quick turnaround time. 

    The print shop provides laminating services on site, as well as mail pre-sort and bundling services for saturation mailings. Folding, inserting, envelope sealing and labeling services make large mailings a breeze!

    Other specialty printing paper including purchase of copy paper, business and specialty envelopes and printed materials not produced on-site can also be coordinated through the printing department.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How does CiTi's courier coverage work?

    Our courier picks up and delivers mail, packages, library books and AV equipment to each participating school district in Oswego County daily.

    What time does the mail get picked up?

    Our mail times have changed as the USPS is now picking up and dropping off mail here on campus. The USPS pick up times vary greatly. Please drop your mail off at the print shop by 9 a.m. to ensure that it is picked up. We will also have a separate trip to the USPS on the last day of the week and will need your mail by 3 p.m.

    How should I submit my job?

    Please submit your digital request form through skyline under quick links. (Please make sure that your materials are legal to copy. We will check for copyright). We can also accept a hard copy. You can also submit your printing electronically either on a CD, flash drive or in an email (10MB limit). You will need to submit a request form. 

    I need to send something to a district. How do I do this?

    Our courier picks up and delivers to each district daily. The more information you include the easier it is to ensure that it will travel to its destination. Please include full name, title, district, building, department and room number.

    How soon can I expect my printing?

    Depending on size and if we need to order stock, you can call or email for an estimate. Most small jobs are turned around in 24 hours.

We Have You Covered!

  • From booklets to newsletters and everything in between, CiTi's Printing Department has you covered!
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