School Nurse

  • When to Keep Your Child at Home

    It is our wish that your child come to school daily, but there are instances when staying home is best for your child and those around him/her.

    • Temperature of 100F or more in the previous 24 hours
    • Vomiting or diarrhea in the previous 24 hours
    • Abdominal pain
    • Persistent cough, congestion, breathing concerns
    • Contagious diseases, such as impetigo, pinkeye, chicken pox
    • Head lice/scaies until treated
    • Sore throat, earache
    • Strep throat - must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school
    • Any other illness that prevents your chidl from  functioning in school

    If your child becomes ill or injured during the school day, he/she will be evaluated by the School Nurse. If it is determined that your child needs to be transported home, an attempt will be made to notify you. If you are unable to be reached, the designated "emergency contact" person will be notified. Please have a plan for transportation home or to a predetermined alternative place. These guidelines are meant to protect the health and safety of your child. Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated. 

    Notice of Student Physical Examinations

    Education Law Article 19 and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education require physical examinations of all NYS public school students. The health examination form must be dated no more than 12 months prior to the beginning of the current school year in which the examination is required. This examination form must be signed by a NYS licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner. Students in need of physical examinations include:

    • All entering the school district for the first time, and in grades pre-k or K,1,3,5,7,9 and 11 and at any grade level by school administration, in their discretion to promote the educational interests of the student
    • to participate in strenuous physical activity, such as interscholastic athletics
    • upon student's request for an employment certificate and 
    • when conducting an initial evaluation or re-evaluation of a student suspected of having a disability or a student with a disability. 

    Parents/guardians may choose to have the student's own healthcare provider complete the required physical examination form and provide a copy of the physical examination to the school nurse and must be received within 30 days of the start of the school year. This is written notification that all students who do not provide a copy of the private physical examination will be scheduled to receive a health appraisal examination at the school location performed by a licensed nurse practitioner. 

Important Documents

School Nurse Contacts