Digital Media Technology

  • The Digital Media Technology program combines the creative elements of fine arts with digital technologies. Students use the latest industry hardware and software to complete projects in multimedia (including video production, audio editing and special effects), desktop publishing, digital illustration and photography. Digital Media Technology lays the foundation for exciting careers in web development, public relations, graphic design, animation, gaming and illustration. The program will also incorporate artificial intelligence applications as students explore the ethical implications in the industry.


    About this program:


    • Successful Student Attributes: has abstract reasoning ability, basic computer, reading, and writing skills, can work independently or with a team, is self-directed, artistic appreciation 
    • Career Opportunities: Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Animator, Videographer, Photographer, or Apparel Designer
    • Program Length: Two years
    • Industry Alignment: Arts, A/V Technology and Communications Career Cluster Visual Arts Pathway
    • Integrated Academic Coursework: Career and Financial Management (½ credit); ELA (½ credit each year)
    • Graduation Pathways: 4+1 Pathway Option: Precision Exams – Commercial Art I; CDOS Pathway


    Opportunities through this program:


    • College Credit Opportunities: Dual Credit: Cayuga Community College: ART 252 Photoshop; ART 215 Computer Graphics/Illustrator; Articulation Agreements: Bryant & Stratton College, Mohawk Valley Community College
    • Credential Opportunities: Precision Exams – Commercial Art I
    • Program Achievement Opportunities: Technical endorsement on graduation diploma and/or National Technical Honor Society




    • Program Supplies, Materials, Assessments Provided: Precision Exams – Commercial Art I
    • Entry-level Occupational Reading Materials Lexile: 1210-1310, ( No textbook used at this time.
    • Sample Vocabulary: subordination, kerning, critique, gradient, monochromatic
    • Sample ELA Prompt: Students will conference with a client to determine graphic design needs resulting in a narrative work order that includes a detailed task list, timelines with feedback, and descriptive client expectations.