Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Work-Based Learning
  • Work-based learning is a partnership that links school, community, and business/industry to provide a real-world work environment in which students have the opportunity to apply and enhance the knowledge and skills obtained in the career and technical education (CTE) classroom. The goal of work-based learning is to prepare students for jobs in the area through service learning, internships, and co-op work experiences. Other partnership activities include guest speakers, worksite tours, job shadows, and project work for actual clients/customers.

    Work-Based Learning provides opportunities for students to demonstrate and develop industry and employability skills at a worksite. It helps to develop transferable skills, including initiative, interpersonal relations, and the attitudes and behaviors necessary for success in the workplace and community.

  • Internship Program

  • Internship Eligibility

  • Cooperative (Co-op) Work Experience

  • Internship/Co-op Benefits

  • Service Learning

Contact Us

  • Karen Rodriquez

  • Carol Taormina

  • Martin Pasternak