Exceptional Education

  • The Exceptional Education Department provides program classes, related services, itinerant services and extended school year for students with physical, behavioral, academic and/or emotional disabilities. Students receiving CiTi programs or services are referred by the home school district Committee on Special Education. CiTi’s goal for students attending program classes is to provide the supports necessary to develop each individual’s full potential and/or successfully return each student to programming in their home school district.

    Students and their families may not apply directly to the Center for Instruction, Technology & Innovation's (CiTi) Exceptional Education programs. Families must contact the Committee on Special Education (CSE) in their home school district and discuss a referral to our program. 

  • Contact Us

    Erin Joyce
    Director of Exceptional and Alternative Programs
    P: 315.963.4443

    Nicole Arnold
    Assistant Director of Exceptional and Alternative Education
    P: 315.963.4443