Campus Cafe
  • Safe, Trusting, Restorative, Instructional and Vocational Environment (STRIVE) classes are designed for students with severe behavior management needs that are defined as highly intensive, frequent and which result in aggressive, self-abusive or withdrawn behavior patterns that adversely affect educational performance. The STRIVE program is available for students in grades K-12. Students that attend the 6:1:2 high school classes have the ability to obtain high school credits and a high school diploma, CDOS or SACC Credential (awarded by their home school).

    The goal of the STRIVE program is to foster the development of independence in social, emotional, behavioral, academic and vocational skills. We provide an integrated service delivery in all areas to address each child’s unique needs. STRIVE has a focus on Restorative Practices as well as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) to build not only a sense of community, but also individual skills in self-regulation. Social-emotional learning is woven throughout the school day to support students. The program is built on the belief that all students can realize their potential given an environment that is supportive, developmentally appropriate and geared toward specific individual needs. Vocational education is often an integral part of the program for high school students.