GED Alternative Education Program
This program is geared toward students who may be at risk of not exiting high school with a regents or local diploma with their graduating class. There is one session offered on CiTi’s main campus from 12:00-2:30 in the main building, room A-130. It is for students who are under 21 years of age and who meet the eligibility requirements.
Students who are interested in CiTi's AHSEP Program will need to contact their home district.
GED Registration Account
Before sitting for the GED exam, an online account must be created. This account is where students will receive their unofficial test scores. Students enrolled in the AHSEP program will have two alerts on their account that will need to be removed by an administrator before being eligible to sign up for a GED test.
Testing Accommodations
If a student has testing accommodations, students are required to complete and submit the necessary paperwork for approval. Requests can take up to 30 days after receipt of a request.
GED Manager
Jen Poindexter is the GED Option Coordinator in charge of verifying age eligibility and AHSEP option program status.
GED Testing in Oswego County
Dr. John Ramin is Oswego County’s Test Administrator. You can find a list of GED testing dates, locations, and general information on CiTi’s website.
NYSED HSE Office and Four Pathways to Graduation
A yearly application to operate an AHSEP program is filled out by CiTi BOCES and submitted to the GED Office for approval. This office will also approve the form used to verify valid Regents scores that can now take the place of a GED subtest. More information on the four pathways and updated information regarding the GED program can be found through NYSED.
Essential Education
CiTi BOCES purchases an online program called GED Academy. Students who are enrolled in the school-aged GED program will be given a username and password to access this program to prepare for the GED exams. This program is used at school but can also be used at home and over the summer.
Contact Us
Dr. Julie Landy
Director of Assessment, Professional Growth and Community Services Initiatives